Date Female Bodybuilders, Fitness Models, And Other Muscular Women

Resources For Bodybuilding And Muscle Dating


* Discover how to add muscle mass in order to boost your confidence and attraction to athletic women by clicking here

* Discover how to get leaner, including six-pack abs by starting here

Offer A “Guarantee”


A typical sales letter usually has a guarantee such as:
• 30-day risk-free trial
• Money back
• Double your money back
• Etc.
What you want to do is remove the risk of her contacting you. What are the “risks” you ask?
Here are just some of the risks muscular women believe can exist if they decide to contact you:
• That you may be a guy simply with a “fetish”
• You may be married
• You may be crazy and risk hurting them
• You may have a prison record
• They may actually end up liking you and you will find someone else attractive
• They may agree to meet you and find out that you don’t take care of yourself and smell
worse than a sewer
• That you may end up becoming a stalker or worse
• That you may “hook up” with her and never contact her again


These are all very valid risks because many women have friends who have gone online only to meet guys like this. What you want to do is reduce the risks in a funny way so that a beautiful muscular woman will have more reasons to contact you.


Here are some ways to do this:

100% Risk-Free Guarantee
So you may be sitting at home or somewhere in public on your laptop wondering if it is possible that you can actually meet someone who likes your aesthetics, likes your personality even more (!), doesn’t smell like leftover protein shakes, and has never seen the inside of a prison! You know what???… I want the same thing!
And I promise to be single so that you won’t have to deal with a “meddling wife”, I promise to maintain your physical and emotional security, AND I won’t ask you if you have a sister or roommate if we end up having less attraction than Israel and Gaza! In fact, I stand behind my promise to the point that I will even splurge and take you to GNC for a protein bar right off the bat when we meet. If nothing else, you can tell your friends that you got to “shopping” with me the first time we met! Hahaha!!


Or you may try something like this:


The 100% No “Soap Opera” Guarantee
Sorry ladies, but I just will not be able to elicit the “soap opera” attraction triggers when we meet! Nope, I do not have a prison record, you won’t be able to seduce me away from my wife (because I don’t have one), and you won’t be able to convert me from a stinky, lazy guy into a brooding soap opera actor. That is because I am not stinky, lazy, or even like “brooding” at all!

Yep, it’s a terrible deal for you: you will be forced to laugh genuinely, I actually want to find out more about the muscles ABOVE your neck, and I have enough discipline to be cool should we just not connect on a naughty… err.. playful level ☺

I know that you truly wanted to tell your friends that you met a “soap opera” type of guy, but I figure that I am still marketable because I bring so little “drama” that I won’t interfere with your workouts or food preparation! Who knows, I might even know a healthy recipe or two to make chicken and vegetables more appetizing… but you have to write to me soon before I sell my recipe to the Food Network 😉


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To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.

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