This spoof video sadly touches on many of the dreams that geeky guys have with gorgeous muscular women like this female bodybuilder:
The thing is that this won’t be the reality for 99% of the guys out there who fall into his mold. What is a guy like this to do:
- Obviously, he needs to gain some muscle quickly. If for no other reason than to help his overall health and basic confidence
- Next, he needs to demonstrate his (hopefully!) intellectual prowess in a manner that earns the respect of muscular women. For example, if he is good at website marketing he could hold a seminar at a local bodybuilding show giving examples of how any bodybuilder could earn more money from his or her website if the bodybuilder has a paid membership section. This would earn the respect of both men and women in attendance; and as mentioned in the Guy Gets Girl course women respect men who can command the attention and respect of other men, if even for a short while
- He could become a better athlete in a particular sport like golf, tennis and some other sport where he can display superior hand-eye coordination instead of just brute muscular force
- When in public on a date with a muscular woman, he should be in command of the situation so that both people can be playful, spontaneous and have genuine fun. Most muscular women have to take command in so many areas of their lives all the time that by taking charge and showing her that you can make decisions that she will appreciate not having to be in the “take charge” position all the time
When you think you are ready to meet muscular women, click the link and test out your profile and communication skills with athletic and muscular women around the world.
To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.