A common theme throughout this site is that the muscular women that so many men admire are usually:
- just like the regular range of women you meet in terms of their emotions, passions, humor, intelligence, professionalism, etc.
- are dedicated athletes
Regarding the latter, one drawback to dating women who are athletic – versus those who are not – is that there is the risk of injury. Since many muscular women also do other athletic activities such as cross-training, running, a sport like volleyball, or some other activity which has high intensity then injuries are going to be a part of the equation. Other things like car accidents, workplace accidents and other unexpected injuries also can happen just like with regular, everyday women.
Just like any athlete you enjoy watching on television, there are nagging injuries all the way to severe ones. Should you be dating a muscular woman who has a sudden, significant injury then it can throw a nasty “curveball” into your relationship. Here is why:
- If she derives emotional strength and stability from her discipline and exercise routine then the injury obviously will cause a major disruption in her day to day activities. This can cause a short-term (or longer) change in her behavior, demeanor, etc.
- Significant, enduring physical pain tends to drain the energy and playfulness out of most people especially as the pain lingers for weeks. A joyous, vibrant woman who is in unexpected physical pain for weeks may start to become “perceived” (not necessarily true) as bitter, mean, caustic, pessimistic, or other negative scenarios.
- If you built part of your relationship on shared physical activity such as going to the gym together, hiking together, or adventure-based vacations together then she may truly value that dynamic of your relationship. An injury which causes a disruption to that dynamic, with no resolution in the short-term, may cause her to have value changes about your relationship. Some of that may be directed inward because she may think that she can’t fulfill her side of the relationship dynamic
- Several other problems may occur
Here are some things which you, as the man, can control in order to ensure that you delivered 100% of your obligation to be a man worthy of her respect:
- Go with her to as many doctor, physical therapy, and other medical appointments as your schedule permits. Show her that you are there for her from a physical and emotional protection standpoint. If you are allowed (legally) and with her permission, ask questions of the medical staff and remind them that she is not like the regular, everyday woman. Emphasize that she is an athlete and that part of her identity at this time is to perform at a high athletic level; and that any reduction in activity for the rest of her life needs to be when SHE wants to scale back, not because of some imposed belief by medical personnel who do not know her as well as you do
- Discover other ways to have fun while she is on the mend. It can be cooking together, going to local events which don’t cause her pain, intellectual shared passions (e.g. learning a language together), more “tender” time such as massage or meditation focusing on healing and regenerative actions (if permitted medically), etc.
- Talk with her about transforming and enhancing her perception of her self-identity during this time. Also focus on when she returns to action as you will be one of the few men who would help her stay focused on the ideal outcome: getting back to where she was and, even, improving
The time when she is dealing with a significant injury won’t be easy. Ultimately, you may have to walk away if she truly is going out of her way to make your life miserable. Yes, this happens on occasion, and it is painful for any good man who truly cares about his woman. Hopefully she will respect your willingness to step up and use the injury time to help her learn to quell self-doubt, misery, challenges to her self-identity and more. Should you make it through together to the point where she returns, and you have a deeper respect for each other, then hopefully you will have a stronger relationship where you enjoy each other’s company at a deeper, fundamental level into the future.