Date Female Bodybuilders, Fitness Models, And Other Muscular Women

Resources For Bodybuilding And Muscle Dating

More On The Dating At A Deeper Level

* Discover how to add muscle mass in order to boost your confidence and attraction to athletic women by clicking here

* Discover how to get leaner, including six-pack abs by starting here

In a previous post we received some positive feedback from the video recommended by a woman helping men get better at dating (regardless of the woman’s body type).  She covered a good degree of information and new ways of thinking.

An even deeper level of conversation, including some “woo woo” stuff, is included in her more in-depth presentation here:

She really goes into deeper subjects on dating and the need to reframe underlying beliefs which may be holding you back from attracting top-notch women such as:

  • needing the woman to complete you
  • how you need “polarity” to be attractive
  • how to clean up your own internal beliefs so that the right woman for you comes along
  • how old “pickup artist” material can hurt you
  • much more

How does all of this apply to muscular women rather than average women you meet out in public?

It has merit because women will still have common tendencies regardless of their physiques.  It is up to you to elicit powerful emotions inside her mind and to give her reassurance that she will be safe with you.  The blend of safety and high emotion, instead of just one or the other, can benefit you versus most other men.  By being able to generate both emotions you can generate high levels of attraction and make yourself stand out in comparison to other men.

To get comfortable with these new beliefs and approaches, consider making your attempts at these new, deeper levels of communication in a safer environment.  Go online and set up some free fitness dating website profiles here.

If you need some thoughts on how to structure your profile then get the free tutorial at this link.

To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.

Updated: November 28, 2014 — 6:24 pm
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