* Discover how to add muscle mass in order to boost your confidence and attraction to athletic women by clicking here * Discover how to get leaner, including six-pack abs by starting here This video clip may open your eyes to some interesting, behind-the-scenes realities within the female bodybuilding world: There are discussions about relationships, […]
Category: muscular women
Well Known Muscle Girl Shows Comedic Side
Here is another example of a well-known muscular woman showing her comedic side on TV: While the ending of the sketch may be disturbing to some, it at least shows that regular guys truly do appreciate muscular women… especially those with a sense of comedic timing and some charisma! Women like this exist throughout the […]
Forum Post About Dating A Female Bodybuilder
Here is another thread about men and their thoughts about dating ultra-muscular women such as the massive and huge female bodybuilders: http://www.muscleweek.com/board/index.php?topic=2626.0 Once again, a heavily-polarized degree of emotion comes out in the open. The “what if they think I’m gay” comments, the insecurities, and the topic of schmoes comes out. This is all nonsense. […]
Interesting Thread About Female Bodybuilders Dating Average Guys
Here is an interesting thread about a discussion if female bodybuilders are dating or are married to “average” guys: The problem with the men posting on that forum is that they are looking at the outward features instead of the internal characteristics as to why a muscular woman would date and go out with […]
Muscular Woman Discusses How Men Approach Her
A good-looking muscular woman discusses outward appearance and other components of first impressions that a regular man can take in order to improve his odds of getting a date with a female bodybuilder. She also touches on the concept of mystery and showing that you have a life of your own, and she touches on […]
Reduce The Risk Of Being Cheated On
Many men have a deep fear that women will cheat on them no matter what. Perhaps they have seen it happen to their best friends, it may have happened to a male relative, or even happened to themselves. So many factors come into play such as anger, inadequacy, financial concerns and much more. While preventing […]
Contrasting Muscular Women Who Compete And Those Who Do Not
Here is a short video showcasing two beautiful muscular women, but they talk about the differences in their lives as one who competes on stage and the other does not. Many men often mess up the notion that a muscular woman, to whom he is attracted, automatically must be a competitor. This is usually not […]
Female Bodybuilder Talks About Relationships
A beautiful female bodybuilder discusses the needs and wants of men and women in their relationships. She talks about jealousy, trust and other topics such as why people have affairs: No matter what type of women you like, muscular or non-athletic, there are several good resources available to you. Check out any of these to […]
Spoof Video Of Geeky Guy And Beautiful Female Bodybuilder
Blog About Dream First Dates In The UK Versus A First Date With A Female Bodybuilder
An interesting blog post comparing the tastes that men in the U.K. recent poll have had. They chose a non-athletic woman as their dream first date, but a recent blogger contrasts that with his ideal first dates across a spectrum of female bodybuilders. Take a look when you have a moment and determine if you […]