Date Female Bodybuilders, Fitness Models, And Other Muscular Women

Resources For Bodybuilding And Muscle Dating

Interesting Thread About Female Bodybuilders Dating Average Guys

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Here is an interesting thread about a discussion if female bodybuilders are dating or are married to “average” guys:

The problem with the men posting on that forum is that they are looking at the outward features instead of the internal characteristics as to why a muscular woman would date and go out with a regular guy.  Based on conversations with lots of muscular women, here are a few pointers:

  • Don’t be a “fan”.  Instead be a “man” whom she respects, not a fan who “fawns” all over her and gives away his masculinity.
  • These guys must have something other than money to keep any desirable woman, let alone a stunning female bodybuilder or figure competitor, faithful and happy.  Too many guys think that it is a full head of hair, tons of money, or amazingly gifted body parts.  Most of the time this simply isn’t true.  It is a guy who looks past all of her aesthetics and commands respect from the woman behind the muscle

This is a difficult component for many fans of female muscle to recognize, since the focus is almost always on the exterior instead of the interior.  For example, what about a female bodybuilder who placed in the Top 5 of her class at NPC nationals… while working a full-time schedule?  What about a natural female bodybuilder who competed at the top of her class while having to buy (and cook!) unhealthy foods for her teenage kids who were not in the least helpful when it came to supporting her diet needs?  These are just two real-world examples of women who have competed well, and have amazing physiques, who should earn respect beyond just the images posted online somewhere… and they get lost in the shuffle among all of the other beautiful women.

Getting to learn about these gifted, beautiful women is not easy because they have to be “guarded” about whom they let into their worlds, especially those with kids.  Take the time to learn how to be the type of man who can make these women feel alive, beautiful, adventurous and cared for better than they could have imagined.  Here are some resources to help you get started, even if you consider yourself to be a “regular guy”:

To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.

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