Date Female Bodybuilders, Fitness Models, And Other Muscular Women

Resources For Bodybuilding And Muscle Dating

Getting Leaner To Date Athletic And Muscular Women

* Discover how to add muscle mass in order to boost your confidence and attraction to athletic women by clicking here

* Discover how to get leaner, including six-pack abs by starting here

If you love athletic and muscle women then you likely will want to have some degree of athleticism or good looks as well.  One way to do so, and which is 100% under your control, is how lean you become regardless of your body type.  One of the consistent best-selling guides is an e-book over 300 pages which is actually worth your time to read for all of the basics:

  • knowing what to eat
  • learning about your body type
  • which exercises to do and how frequently
  • etc.

The real merit of the e-book, however, starts on page 76 which discusses why you may get off to a slow start, and it talks about actions you can take to address that plateau.  Subsequent pages in that chapter go into deeper topics not often addressed such as:

  • What to do if you hit a plateau in your fat loss efforts
  • The questions you need to ask yourself to get back on track
  • The minor adjustments you can make to break through a sticking point
  • When to push harder and when to take a break – or at least back off the intensity
  • Switching up what you eat in order to adjust fat burning and get leaner to increase your appeal to athletic women

To get the e-book go here:  Get lean to appeal to athletic women

Get a free PDF discussing ways to boost your fat loss:  click here

To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.

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