This is an older news clip about the misconceptions and assumptions made regarding dating female bodybuilders and other muscular women. When men meet a female bodybuilder out in public they often get dorky, mean, or scared. Here are some tips from an actual big female bodybuilder, Carla in that news clip:
The interesting “takeaways” are:
- How guys automatically assume the wrong things
- Their insecurities about what other people will say at the gym
- Their lack of physical strength, which can be remedied here
- The fact that they THINK they need a ripped physique. Should you still be convinced that you need to be completely ripped before dating a female bodybuilder then you can go here.
- That some guys get scared because she can lift more than they can. This is pointless as she indicated
If you need help overcoming shyness, getting your act together, or just having a healthier understanding about women when it comes to dating then you are welcome to click this link.
If you are ready to test out if you truly can attract, intrigue, and fascinate any muscular women then start meeting athletic women all over the world here: Muscle dating websites
To get a number of places to start going online to meet female bodybuilders, figure competitors, physique competitors and bikini models then start your search here.